
Friday, August 16, 2013


by: Guna Rasaku.
Don't be afraid to say | Veda is the Law of the Universe (Rta).

Don't be afraid to say | Veda is the first and last Worlds Religion.

Don't be afraid to say | Veda is Brahman Words (God Almighty).

Don't be afraid to say | Veda is Sanathana Dharma (Eternal).

Don't be afraid to say | Brahman never change the Dharma (Religion) of His creation from the beginning to the end of this existence.

Don't be afraid to say | Vedic never change.

Don't be afraid to say | Veda does not need improvement (because it comes from the Most Perfect).

Don't be afraid to say | Completion shows an imperfect source.

Don't be afraid to say | Veda is the source of human knowledge.

Don't be afraid to say | Veda existed before the universe existed.

Don't be afraid to say | Veda is the legal basis for the creation.

Don't be afraid to say | Veda is certainty, not a promise.

Don't be afraid to say | Veda is for the whole creation.

Don't be afraid to say | Veda as old as the universe.

Don't be afraid to say | Vedic revelation Knowing means knowing when the end of the universe.

Don't be afraid to say | Veda is Eyes of Men, Gods and People who have died as well as other creatures.

VEDA is a GIFT is unmatched for the universes.

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